Artist Camera Picture
Released15 April 2024
RYM Rating 3.70 / 5.00.5 from 110 ratings
Friends 3.00 from 1 rating
Ranked#893 for 2024
longing, introspective, lo-fi, male vocalist, LGBT, repetitive
Language English

Track listing

  • 1 44m50s 44:49
  • Total length: 44:49


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weezerfan100 Aug 12 2024 4.00 stars
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3 Reviews

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irns00 Apr 28 2024 4.50 stars
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If you’re familiar with Cameron Picton’s work in Black Midi, nothing about this project should be a surprise. While listening to this CD I couldn’t help but compare it to his song “Still”, off of Black Midis third LP, “Hellfire”. “Still” starts as a lovely and emotional folky ballad and ends in a long ambient descent into nothingness. The relationship between these two acts of the song is about a balance: between the humanness of singing and songwriting, utilizing folky aesthetics and vulnerability, juxtaposed with the otherness found in the emphasis on atmosphere and space, conjuring something celestial and sublime through production and recording techniques. This balance of ideas is also a fundamental aspect of “44m50s”.

In the form of one long track, “44m50s” is a collection of songs and ideas, presented in a very rough-around-the-edges mixtape. Consisting around 10 movements or “songs”, the content here ranges from long, abstract, ambient pieces made up of guitars, synthesizers, and field recordings, as well as a small handful of vocal tracks in the form of either singer-songwriter folk, or stunning ambient-pop (like the opening of the record). Most of this project will wash over you like a dream; like taking in media while half asleep, perceiving your imagination and reality simultaneously, in the same light, undistinguished from one another.

The most traditional “song” here is found in the 2nd movement, with a beautiful chorus of Cam repeating “don’t cry, you deserve this”. Although the verses have a certain theatrical playfulness, the chorus hits with a heartbreaking intensity, repeating twice before ending abruptly and throwing the listener back into the void of ambience and experimentation. This type of listening experience is not for everyone, prioritizing immersion and a use of sonic space rather than constant active engagement and entertainment (for example, the hyper-attention-grabbing prog-punk of Black Midi). However, this abstraction is exactly what I look for in a lot of contemporary music. The healthy relationship between songwriting and an experimental constructed ambience is an incredibly immersive way to construct an album. I would compare it in presence (not anything else mind you) to records like Slauson Malone 1’s “Excelsior”, Eno and Fred again..‘s “Secret Life”, or the last few albums by L’rain. They all share this balance between these two avenues of creating music, accomplishing the sonic equivalent of balancing an emphasis of character-driven narrative and world-building in a work of fiction. The context of these ideas boost them into a completely new means of interaction, utilizing length, timbre, and curation, alongside strong songwriting and performances, all as equally fundamental tools of crafting the listening experience.
ConnorIsNot Apr 27 2024 3.50 stars
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Surprising sound as it was quite different from his set with BCNR. A very interesting project though, its peaks were the the moments we get to hear him sing.
jontomdotcom Apr 16 2024 3.50 stars
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Interesting first release for Camera Picture
Though being a longer project than any black midi album, 44m50s is just one track. Though it feels like many. If you have followed Cameron up until this point in his series of windmill concerts some of this will sound familiar. But a good chunk of this album is spent weaving through these repetitive collages of field recordings, sprawling guitars, and lo-fi production. You could draw comparisons to the likes of Mike Oldfield or Godspeed You! Black Emperor, but this composition feels much more like a collection of demos loosely strung together than the expertly woven passages of an album like Tubular Bells.

As an, at the time of this review, CD only release it makes sense, this one is for the fans.
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Ratings: 110
Cataloged: 104
Track rating sets:Track ratings: 13
Rating distribution
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12 Aug 2024
weezerfan100  4.00 stars i lay down my life for you territory
12 Aug 2024
ALINokrashy  4.00 stars ◕ ◡ ◕
11 Aug 2024
Skilledfully CD3.50 stars
  • 3.50 stars 1 44m50s
11 Aug 2024
9 Aug 2024
8 Aug 2024
6 Aug 2024
a3poify  3.50 stars it's silver, jerry
  • 3.50 stars 1 44m50s
5 Aug 2024
theodoor77 CD3.50 stars good
2 Aug 2024
moonglow Other4.00 stars sweat
29 Jul 2024
29 Jul 2024
yoyoyoHoward  3.50 stars Chaotic neutral (take it or leave it)
28 Jul 2024
25 Jul 2024
24 Jul 2024
monomania  4.00 stars thoroughly enjoyed
20 Jul 2024
icofromloco  4.50 stars Almost On Sight
15 Jul 2024
PhilberMonster  3.50 stars Good Stuff, What's Next?

Track listing

  • 1 44m50s 44:49
  • Total length: 44:49


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  • neverball13 28 Apr 00:17 GMT
    If you're referring to the one that goes "don't cry you deserve this", Cameron's played it a few times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9pwxIfl3fU (called "track 2" in timestamps).
    report reported
  • neverball13 28 Apr 00:25 GMT
    "all the best ballads in black midi"

    What ballads has Cam sung? 7-eleven? lol
    report reported
  • allknowings 29 Apr 17:09 GMT
    not exactly ballads but still & diamond stuff
    report reported
  • gageblvd 02 May 17:14 GMT
    the cover art reminds me of the Groove Battle guys
    report reported
  • UnitedFyodor 26 May 12:38 GMT
    It's good but why the hell is it one song
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  • UyamaShiranui 31 May 15:50 GMT
    report reported
  • Marnix_ 04 Jun 04:43 GMT
    > Album is called 44m50s
    > Look inside
    > 44 minutes and 49 seconds long
    report reported
  • mrharrison97 28 Jul 02:53 GMT
    ^My CD of this is 44 minutes and 50 seconds, but yeah that made me laugh too
    report reported
  • a3poify 06 Aug 10:00 GMT
    44:51 for me but maybe because my CD player is like 40 years old nearly
    report reported
  • Skilledfully 11 Aug 22:08 GMT
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